/* --------------------- basic layout --------------------- */ * { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } .waterbody { background:#0099CC url(../images/bg_body.jpg) repeat left top; margin:0; color:#0099CC; } div, td, p { font-size:12px; line-height:18px; color:#000000; } a, a:link, a:active, a:visited { text-decoration:underline; color:#000000; } a:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:#0099CC; } ul { margin: 5px; padding: 5px; list-style: none; list-style-type: square; } li { line-height: 18px; padding-left: 5px; padding-top: 0px; list-style-position: inside; } /** clear the banner to make it sit in the bottom **/ .clear { clear:both; } /* --------------------- template layout --------------------- */ /** wrapper to make the page center **/ #container { width:900px; margin: 55px auto; padding:0; text-align: left; } /** hold background, it should be float:left that's way we can not put it in #container **/ #containerbg { position:relative; width: 900px; background:transparent url(../images/bg_inside.jpg) repeat-y left top; float:left; top:0; left:0; } #outerleft { position:relative; float:left; clear:left; width:730px; } #outerright { position:relative; width:170px; float:right; clear:right; } #logo { position:relative; width:100%; height:74px; float:left; background:#FFFFFF url(../images/bg_header.jpg) no-repeat left top; } /** div container for top menu. position:top **/ #topmenu { position:relative; float:left; clear:left; background-color:#0099CC; width: 100%; } /** div container for image header **/ #imgheader { position:relative; float:left; clear:left; width:100%; height:99px; background-color: #000000; } #container_inner { position:relative; float:left; clear:left; width:730px; } /** div container for left column **/ #leftcol { position:relative; float:left; clear:left; width:172px; background:transparent url(../images/bg_leftcol.jpg) repeat-y left top; } #leftcolmenu { position:relative; background:transparent repeat-y left top; overflow:auto; } /** div wrapper for user2 & user3 **/ #content_top_wrapper { position:relative; float:right; clear:right; width:542px; display:inline; margin: 4px 8px 0 0; } /** div container for position:user2 **/ #content_top1 { position:relative; float:left; clear:left; width:269px; } /** div container for position:user3 **/ #content_top2 { position:relative; float:right; clear:right; width:269px; } /** div container for mainbody **/ #content_main { position:relative; float:left; width:520px; margin:15px 0 20px 20px; background-color:#FFFFFF; } /** div container for right column **/ #rightcol_top, #rightcol { float:left; clear:left; width:168px; margin:0 0 0 1px; display:inline; overflow:auto; } /** div container for right column position:header **/ #rightcol_top { height:70px; min-height:70px; background:transparent url(../images/bg_topright.jpg) no-repeat center top; } /** div container for banner position:banner **/ #banner { position:relative; width:515px; height:65px; min-height:65px; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:10px; padding: 20px 0 0 200px; clear: left; float: left; } /** div container for news items list position:banner **/ #banner1 { position:relative; width:515px; height:65px; min-height:65px; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:10px; padding: 20px 0 0 200px; clear: left; float: left; } #blackline { position:relative; clear:left; float:left; width:898px; ; height:60px; min-height:10px; background-color: #0034A2; color:#FFFFFF; font-size:9px; padding-left: 4px; } /** copyright **/ #copyright { position:relative; width:900px; display:block; clear:both; float:left; } #copyright div { color:#000000; font-size:10px; font-weight:normal; display:block!important; width:900px; float:left; clear:left; margin:-10px 0 0; text-align:left; } /* --------------------- mambo content layout --------------------- */ /** pathway block **/ span.pathway { display:block; text-align:left; color:#000000; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: #FFCC66; height:20px; margin-bottom:10px; } /** content title **/ .componentheading { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#0099CC; font-size: 20px; line-height:25px; padding: 5px 0 5px 0; display:block; } .contentheading, .contentpagetitle, a.contentpagetitle:link, a.contentpagetitle:active, a.contentpagetitle:visited { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:16px; color:#0099CC; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 25px; background-color:inherit; display:block; } .contentpaneopen { width:100%; } /** pdf, printer version, and email to friend button **/ .buttonheading { width: 16px!important; text-align:right; } .sectiontableheader { font-weight: bold; } .category, .categorytitle { font-weight: bold; color:#113279; background-color:inherit; } .sectiontableentry1 { background-color: #FFFFCC; padding: 2px; color:#333333; } .sectiontableentry2 { background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 2px; color:#333333; } /** blog Styles **/ .blogsection { color:#0099CC; background-color:inherit; } .blog_more { font-weight: bold; line-height: 25px; padding-top: 20px; color: #113279; border-bottom: 1px solid #E5E5E5; background-color:inherit; } /** small text in content **/ .small { color:#999999; font-size:10px; font-weight: bold; background-color:inherit; } /** date info in content **/ #content_main .createdate { color:#113279; font-size:10px; padding: 0 0 15px 0; line-height:8px; background-color:inherit; } #content_main .modifydate { color:#999999; font-size:10px; padding: 0; background-color:inherit; } /** toc page navigation **/ .pagenav_prev, .pagenav_next { font-size:11px; } /** content item navigation **/ .pagenavbar { display:block; width:100%; background-color:inherit; height:20px; line-height:25px; text-align:right; letter-spacing:2px; color:#999999!important; clear:both; font-size: 11px!important; margin-top: 10px; background-image: url(../images/bg_pagenav.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: center bottom; } .pagenav { height:20px; line-height:25px; text-align:right; letter-spacing:2px; color:#999999; clear:both; font-size: 11px; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; background-color:inherit; } .back_button { display:block; text-align:left; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px; width:100%; margin-bottom:10px; letter-spacing:2px; } /** highlight word search result **/ .highlight { font-weight:bold; background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 2px 0 2px 0; } /** table of content layout **/ table.contenttoc { border:1px solid #000000; padding:1px; width:130px; margin: 0 0 10px 10px; } /** table of content header **/ .contenttoc th { color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#FFCC66; font-size:11px; display:block; width:124px; } /** unordered list for latest news module **/ ul.latestnews li,ul.mostread li { line-height: 18px; font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; list-style-type: none; list-style-position: outside; } /** fix opera table width for content list in table category**/ table.contentpane td.contentdescription { width:100%!important; } /* --------------------- Links --------------------- */ /** any left column link **/ #leftcol a:link, #leftcol a:active, #leftcol a:visited { color:#113279; } a.pagenav:link , a.pagenav_next:link, a.pagenav_pre:link, div.back_button a, div.back_button a:link, a.latestnews:link, a.latestnews:active, a.latestnews:visited, a.mostread:link, a.mostread:active, a.mostread:visited { text-decoration:none; } /*** read more link ***/ .readon, a.readon:link, a.readon:active, a.readon:visited { color:#666666; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; margin-top:10px; letter-spacing: 0px; font-size:10px; text-decoration:none; } /*** blog links ***/ a.blogsection:link, a.blogsection:active, a.blogsection:visited { color:#0099CC; text-decoration:none; } /** generic menu item link **/ a.mainlevel:link, a.mainlevel:active, a.mainlevel:visited, a.sublevel:link, a.sublevel:active, a.sublevel:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; font-size:11px; line-height: 28px; } /** generic menu item link on mouseover **/ a.mainlevel:hover, #leftcol a.mainlevel:hover { background-color:#FFCC66; color:#000000!important; text-decoration:none!important; } /** specific top right column menu item link **/ a.mainlevel-right:link, a.mainlevel-right:active, a.mainlevel-right:visited, a.sublevel-right:link, a.sublevel-right:active, a.sublevel-right:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; font-size:11px; } /** specific top right column menu item link on mouseover **/ a.mainlevel-right:hover { background-color:#CCCCCC; text-decoration:none; } /** pathway link item **/ a.pathway:link, a.pathway:link, a.pathway:active, a.pathway:visited { color:#999999; text-decoration:none; } /** table of content list **/ a.toclink:link, a.toclink:active, a.toclink:visited { color:#0099CC; font-size:11px; padding:2px 10px 2px 10px; display:block; text-decoration:none; } .pagenavbar a:link, .pagenavbar a:active, .pagenavbar a:visited { letter-spacing:2px; color:#000000; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; } .pagenavbar a:hover { color:#0099CC; } /** latestnews and popular **/ .latestnews, .mostread { color:#000000; } a.latestnews:link, .mostread a:link, .latestnews a:active, .mostread a:active, .latestnews a:hover, .mostread a:hover, .latestnews a:visited, .mostread a:visited { color:#113279; text-decoration:underline; } /** underline on hover **/ a.toclink:hover, a.latestnews:hover, a.mostread:hover, a.pathway:hover, a.sublevel:hover, a.sublevel-right:hover, a.blogsection:hover, a.readon:hover, a.pagenav:hover , a.pagenav_next:hover, a.pagenav_pre:hover, a.latestnews:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:#0099CC; background-color:inherit; } #leftcol a:hover { color: #113279; text-decoration:underline; } /* --------------------- mambo module layout --------------------- */ /** general module table **/ table.moduletable, #leftcol table, #rightcol table { width:100%; float:left; clear:left; } /** general module table **/ #rightcol table, #leftcol table td { font-size:11px !important; color:#CCCCCC; } #rightcol table, #rightcol table td { font-size:11px !important; color:#030303; } /** general module title **/ table.moduletable th, table.moduletable-bgimg th table.moduletable-right th { color:#113279; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans; font-size:15px; line-height:20px; background-color:#FFCC66; height:25px; text-align:left; padding-left:15px; font-weight:normal; border-top: 1px solid #FFE19B; border-right: 0px solid #CC6600; border-bottom: 1px solid #CC6600; border-left: 0px solid #FFFFFF; } /** specific module td table for content top 1 and 2. position:user2 an user3 **/ #content_top1 table.moduletable td, #content_top2 table.moduletable td { background:transparent url(../images/bg_module_contenttop.jpg) no-repeat center bottom; height:100px; min-height:100px; vertical-align:top; } /** specific module td table for content top 1 and 2 added by RS. position:user2 an user3 **/ #content_top1 table.moduletable th, #content_top2 table.moduletable th { color:#FFFFFF; background:#0099CC; } /** right column module td **/ #rightcol table.moduletable td { padding:5px; } /** generic menu item **/ .mainlevel { display:block; height:25px; line-height:25px; padding-left:15px; background:transparent url(../images/bg_mainlevel.gif) repeat-x center top; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } /** ADDED accessible menu at bottom **/ .bottommenu { height:12px; line-height:12px; font-weight:normal; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 11px; } a.bottommenu:link, .bottommenu a:active { color:#FFFFFF; text-decoration: underline; } a.bottommenu:visited { color:#0099CC; } a.bottommenu:hover { color:#FFCC00; } /** specific left column form **/ #leftcol form { margin-left:15px; } /** specific left column form **/ #leftcol .button { font-size:11px; color:#113279; background-color:#FFCC66; border-right: 1px solid #CC6600; border-bottom: 1px solid #CC6600; border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF; border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF; width:140px; } /** specific left column form **/ #leftcol .inputbox { font-size:11px; font-weight: bold; } /** module styles in #leftcol **/ #leftcol table.moduletable td { color:#113279; font-size:11px; } /** search div in top right column. position:user4 **/ div.search { margin-left:10px; } /** search field in search div **/ .search .inputbox { width:130px; border-top: 1px solid #434343; border-right: 1px solid #D4D4D4; border-bottom: 1px solid #D4D4D4; border-left: 1px solid #434343; } /* --------------------- mambo form layout --------------------- */ /** left column input form **/ #leftcol .inputbox { font-size:11px; /*border: 1px solid #000000;*/ margin-bottom:2px; } /** input button html tag **/ .button, #rightcol .button { font-size:11px; text-transform:uppercase; color:#113279; font-weight:bold; background-color:#FFCC66; border-top: 1px solid #FFFFFF; border-right: 1px solid #CC6600; border-bottom: 1px solid #CC6600; border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF; } #rightcol .button { background-color:#FFCC66; } .search { margin-top:30px; } /* mambo top menu layout you need to add menu class suffix: -nav */ /** unordered list top menu **/ ul#mainlevel-nav { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 0.8em; } /** unordered list item for top menu **/ ul#mainlevel-nav li { display: block; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; float: left; margin: 0; width: auto !important; font-size: 11px; line-height: 23px; white-space: nowrap; } /** unordered list item link for top menu **/ ul#mainlevel-nav li a { display: block; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; text-decoration: none; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight:bold; } /** unordered list item link for top menu for firefox only **/ #topmenu>ul#mainlevel-nav li a { width: auto; } /** unordered list item for top menu for firefox only **/ ul#mainlevel-nav li a:hover { background: #0099CC; text-decoration:none; color: #113279; } /* specific right column menu item. position:right you need to add menu class suffix: right */ .mainlevel-right { display:block; height:25px; line-height:25px; padding-left:15px; background:#EEF0F0 url(../images/bg_mainlevel_right.gif) repeat-x center top; font-weight:bold; } /** moduletable specific with background image you need to add modules class suffix: -bgimg **/ table.moduletable-bgimg { background:transparent url(../images/bg_module.jpg) no-repeat center bottom; float:left; clear:left; width:100%; } table.moduletable-bgimg td { padding: 5px ; font-size:11px; } table.moduletable-bgimg td td { padding: 0!important; } /** for polls **/ .poll { font-size:11px; line-height: 16px; } table.pollstableborder .sectiontableentry2 { background-color:transparent; text-align:left; } table.pollstableborder .sectiontableentry1 { background-color:#FFE19B; text-align:left; } .moduletable_bgimg table.pollstableborder td.sectiontableentry2, .moduletable_bgimg table.pollstableborder td.sectiontableentry1 { background-color:transparent!important; text-align:left!important; } #bottompadding { position:relative; width:900px; display:block; height:0px; margin-top:-100px; }